Duo Contracello

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String Orchestra Ensemble XXI 
Duo Contracello
Cello: Miguel Rocha
Double Bass: Adriano Aguiar
Conductor: Francisco Loreto 
Free Entrance
Reservations can be made by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tickets must be picked up at the venue up to 30 minutes before the concert.

Johann Sebastian Bach [1685-1750] -  Nine Pieces from the Second Book of Anna Magdalena Bach
1. Minueto
2. Minueto
3. Minueto
4. Polonaise
5. Minueto
6. Minueto
7. Minueto
8. Marcha
9. Musette 

Ignaz Pleyel [1757-1831] - Theme and Variations

Gioacchino Rossini [1792 - 1868] - Duo (1824) 
I. Allegro
II. Andante molto 
III. Allegro 

Alexandre Delgado [n 1965] - Burlesca (1992)

Acácio Piedade [n 1961] - Wakana – Música para Violoncelo, Contrabaixo e Orquestra de Cordas (2023/4) * 

* World Premiere

Event Information

Event Date 15-03-2024 9:00 pm
Location Madeira Museum of Contemporary Art
Categories Chamber Music

Location Map