Pedagogical Responsibility
This Project was devolped as part of the protocol between the Associação Notas e Sinfonias Atlânticas (ANSA) and the Conservatório, Escola Profissional das Artes da Madeira, Engº Luiz Peter Clode (CEPAM) and in accordance with the contract-program with the Regional Secretary of Education, Science and Technology.
It envolves a training period during which students from CEPAM are able to enjoy working alongside instrumentalists from the Madeira Classical Orchestra. Through integration in
the orchestra, students have the opportunity to acquire and develop technical, artistic, communicational and organizational competencies in a true orchestral context.
This is an extremely importante experience for the youngsters that provides them with:
• The opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in concrete circumstances of the artistic world;
• Creative development;
• The opportunity to develop good working habits and to develop their sense of professional responsibility;
• Knowledge of the whole orchestral dynamic.
Masterclasses are another activity that ANSA has developed in partnership with CEPAM. They are aimed at students on the professional instrumentalists course, students from the artistic teaching course and teachers from the Conservatory (CEPAM).
Participation in masterclasses has an important significance in the artistic development of the participants, especially for the students, considering that:
• They serve as a motivational factor to encourage students to continue to learn their musical instrument;
• They help the students to develop various capacities. They develop their intellect and social skills as a consequence of the interaction that they have with artists who have been invited by the Madeira Classical Orchestra, as well as having the chance to interact with colleagues that attend the masterclasses;
• They contribute to the students aquisition of new knowledge and expose them to other points of view and experiences. This helps them to achieve greater artistic development.
This activity has been developed under the responsibility of the artistic director of the Madeira Classical Orchestra, by inviting some of the artists who perform with the orchestra to give masterclasses.
Travessa das Capuchinhas nº4 1º Andar, São Pedro
9000-030 Funchal . Região Autónoma da Madeira . PORTUGAL
Representante dos Músicos e Professores
Desde 2019 que a Orquestra Clássica da Madeira conta com o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República