Artistic Director - Norberto Gomes
Music is Our Heritage!
After six decades since the beginning of this beautiful journey, we present the 2024/2025 Season with great responsibility, following a series of concerts that have left an indelible mark on our History and on the History of music in Madeira.
With a sense of responsibility, we propose to continue this project, involving everyone who has accompanied us on this cultural journey of unparalleled musical richness.
For over a decade, we have presented a bold artistic management proposal, focusing on the Orchestra and its musicians. This model allows us to maintain our vision for approaching music, thereby solidifying the recognition of young musicians and composers, the continued appreciation of Portuguese works, and the international repertoire, as well as inviting great artists and conductors with well-established and recognized careers. In this particular season, we will emphasize the concerts that are part of the region's cultural calendar, whether initiated by the Orchestra itself or in collaboration with partners who greatly honor us. Symphonic, chamber, vocal, and instrumental music will be presented throughout the season, offering our audience a wide variety of rich musical content.
It is with joy and commitment that the musicians of the Madeira Classical Orchestra and the entire team of the Associação Notas e Sinfonias Atlânticas (the managing entity of the Orchestra) face each season, embracing the challenges presented to them, as well as the pleasure and uniqueness that this activity entails.
As managers of musical art and its interpreters, it is our duty to study, evaluate, and cherish all that has been handed down to us over time by the inspired creators of musical art. It is also our responsibility to recognize and give stage to new works, born from the dedication and inspiration of new creators. We particularly appreciate the act of adding history to History, that is, creating heritage and caring for our heritage for the enjoyment of all.
Music, which is our heritage, has an immeasurable intangible value. This heritage, which is embodied in sound, creation, interpretation, instruments, and their performers, only makes sense when directed to its listeners.
With this reflection, we tune our instruments and our Orchestra every day so that, in a transparent and focused manner, we dedicate ourselves to this treasure of humanity, which is Music.
Music is possibly the artistic language that best translates human feelings and the way we see and interpret life.
Come, listen and dream! Feel with us!
We look forward to seeing you.
Norberto Gomes, Artistic Director of the Madeira Classical Orchestra
Musicians OCM
Travessa das Capuchinhas nº4 1º Andar, São Pedro
9000-030 Funchal . Região Autónoma da Madeira . PORTUGAL
Representante dos Músicos e Professores
Desde 2019 que a Orquestra Clássica da Madeira conta com o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República