• madeira online live concerts orchestra music musica ilha island classical clássica strings centro congressos percussion soloist solista conductor maestro cordas conservatório Portugal viagem trip TripAdvisor turismo tourism 2023 2024 cultura culture ticketline bilhetes ensemble XXI século arte art jovens young flowers flor festival piano eventos events aovivo banda band cladssicalmusic musician musico piano cello viola flute symphony practice violinist trumpet daysofpractice composer  compositor trombone cordas clarinet classicalmusician brass jazz  opera bass
  • madeira online live concerts orchestra music musica ilha island classical clássica strings centro congressos percussion soloist solista conductor maestro cordas conservatório Portugal viagem trip TripAdvisor turismo tourism 2023 2024 cultura culture ticketline bilhetes ensemble XXI século arte art jovens young flowers flor festival piano eventos events aovivo banda band cladssicalmusic musician musico piano cello viola flute symphony practice violinist trumpet daysofpractice composer  compositor trombone cordas clarinet classicalmusician brass jazz  opera bass
  • madeira online live concerts orchestra music musica ilha island classical clássica strings centro congressos percussion soloist solista conductor maestro cordas conservatório Portugal viagem trip TripAdvisor turismo tourism 2023 2024 cultura culture ticketline bilhetes ensemble XXI século arte art jovens young flowers flor festival piano eventos events aovivo banda band cladssicalmusic musician musico piano cello viola flute symphony practice violinist trumpet daysofpractice composer  compositor trombone cordas clarinet classicalmusician brass jazz  opera bass
  • madeira online live concerts orchestra music musica ilha island classical clássica strings centro congressos percussion soloist solista conductor maestro cordas conservatório Portugal viagem trip TripAdvisor turismo tourism 2023 2024 cultura culture ticketline bilhetes ensemble XXI século arte art jovens young flowers flor festival piano eventos events aovivo banda band cladssicalmusic musician musico piano cello viola flute symphony practice violinist trumpet daysofpractice composer  compositor trombone cordas clarinet classicalmusician brass jazz  opera bass

Distinctions for the Madeira Classical Orchestra

Thanks to the artistic path of Madeira Classical Orchestra and the important role it plays in the fields of education, culture and tourism in the Autonomous Region of Madeira that we have been recognized by the highest official institutions at the regional level and by the Portuguese State:

Distinction "UMa Recognition - 2023" to the Madeira Classical Orchestra for its cultural contribution to the Autonomous Region of Madeira, by the Magnificent Rector of the University of Madeira, Professor Sílvio Fernandes - 25.10.2023

On October 25, 2023, the prestigious University of Madeira, by deliberation of the General Council, and at the proposal of the Culture Council, awarded the distinction "UMa Recognition 2023" to the Madeira Classical Orchestra "for its merit and relevance in the cultural context of the Autonomous Region of Madeira", as stated in the letter from the Magnificent Rector of UMa.

Honorary Member of the Order of Merit to the Madeira Classical Orchestra by, his Excellency, the President of the Republic, Professor and Doctorate Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - 10.06.2019

The Madeira Classic Orchestra was distinguished by, His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Professor and  Doctorate Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, with the title of Honorary Member of the Order of Merit. This distinction was imposed by the Representative of the Republic for the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Councilor Judge Ireneu Barreto, by delegation of the President of the Republic, in a solemn ceremony on June 10th, 2019 - Portugal Celebration Day, Camões and Portuguese Communities at the São Lourenço Palace.

Vote of Praise for the Madeira Classical Orchestra by Funchal City Council - 28.02.2019

On February 28th of 2019, a Vote of Praise for the Madeira Classical Orchestra was unanimously approved at the Public Meeting of the Funchal City Council.

Distinction Plaque awarded to Madeira Classical Orchestra by Funchal City Council - 23.02.2019

On February 23rd of 2019, Distinction Plaque awarded by Funchal City Council to the Orchestra was unveiled for its 55 years of dynamizing musical culture.

High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Professor and Doctorate Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to the Madeira Classic Orchestra - Since Feb 16, 2019

His Excellency the President of the Republic, Professor and Doctorate Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has granted His High Patronage to the Madeira Classical Orchestra in February 16th of 2019, the day of the Orchestra's 55th Anniversary Commemorative Concert.

Autonomous Insignia of Distinction to the Madeira Classical Orchestra by the Regional Government, Dr. Miguel Albuquerque - 01.07.2018

On July 1st of 2018, the Day of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the Madeiran Communities, was awarded to the Madeira Classical Orchestra the Autonomous Insignia of Distinction by the his Excellency, the President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Mr. Miguel Albuquerque.

Vote of Praise for the Madeira Classical Orchestra by the Legislative Assembly of Madeira - 22.02.2018

On February 22nd of 2018, it was unanimously approved by all Political Parties represented in the ALM and by the independent, the Vote of Praise to the Madeira Classical Orchestra, for its important contribution to the musical culture and training in Madeira.

Cultural Merit Award to the Madeira Chamber Orchestra by His Excellency the President of the Regional Government, Dr. Alberto João Jardim - 19.09.1996

Cultural Merit Award to the Madeira Chamber Orchestra by His Excellency the President of the Regional Government, Dr. Alberto João Jardim - 19.09.1996

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Primeiro membro honorário da Associação de Promoção da Madeira – 30.12.2019

Finalmente, em reunião da Assembleia Geral da Associação de Promoção da Madeira, a 30 de dezembro de 2019, a Orquestra Clássica da Madeira passou a ser o primeiro membro honorário desta Associação, sob a gestão da Associação Notas e Sinfonias Atlânticas, a quem foi reconhecido o mérito a nível regional, nacional e internacional, “por contribuir para a qualificação da oferta tendo posicionado a Região de uma forma elevada”.

Recognitions / Messages

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